Landscape Beauty
Everyone loves green, or at least everyone loves the green of a well landscaped lawn accented with healthy shrubbery and decorative flowers. After all the stress and hurry of modern life, everyone needs a place to unwind and relax. What could be better than having a haven of green beauty in your own backyard where you can relax to the sound of birdsong and the delicate scent of flowers that you planted with your own two hands?
Grass is great, but isn’t that flat expanse of lawn just a bit too passé, and sterile looking. Why not spice it up with some shrubs and flowers. How about planting a couple of fast growing trees to shade home and reduce those summertime cooling bills. A bit of creativity, a little work, and a plastic pond liner, combined with the right choices in plants and you can have your own tropical paradise right at your own home, complete with a tumbling waterfall and orchids in bloom.
Maybe you are the type of person who likes things to be both useful and beautiful, why not plant a few berry bushes which not only look great, but also serve up fresh, delicious fruit for you and your family to enjoy. If you have more room to grow a few fruit trees would be great, as they can provide shade, decoration, and mouthwatering fruit for years to come.
More ecologically inclined folks might think it’s a good idea to plant trees, flowers, and shrubs native to the area in which they live. That’s also a great idea, as practically any kind of plants can be used to decorate your backyard retreat.
Let’s face it, there’s nothing more satisfying than enjoying things that you’ve done yourself. A bit of light landscaping is well within the grasp of almost anyone, if they start off with healthy, good quality plants. Don’t rush down to your local department store expecting to find good quality plants for your project. Many of these plants have already been stressed by improper handling and the added stress of transplanting is often enough to kill them.
For all your landscaping and horticulture needs you really should buy from a reputable nursery. One of the best in the business is TN Nursery; they can supply you with practically any kind of plant you may need to build your own little piece of heaven right in your own backyard. So if its plants you need check them out at , you simply can’t beat them for quality plants at affordable prices. TN Nursery isn’t just a one stop shop for plants but it is also a tree nursery so you can be wowed by all that they have to offer.
Landscaping For Beauty
Labels: nursery , nursery plants , nursery trees , wholesale nurseries
The Beautiful Cross Vine-A Wonderful Spreader that Blooms Vibrant Blooms
Cross Vine
The scientific name for Cross Vine is Bignonia capreolata, and it is a vine with beautiful flowers. It can be found growing over a vast part of North America. Its area extends in the southeast, from Maryland to Florida and in the west from Missouri to Texas. This plant is mainly found in forests, clearings, lowlands and uplands.
The Cross Vine can reach a length of up to 50 feet and is a woody vine, that can climb very high. This plant has compound leaves opposite to each other having a couple of leaflets. These leaflets are about 3 to 5 inches in length and 2 inches in width, and separated by a slender tendril which is long. These leaves have a glossy surface, which in summer are a dark shade of green and come winter change to a reddish purple. The Cross Vine is known to climb fast and high, and the uppermost part of the plant will only have leaves. It is known to climb without any support as it has a claw-like extension at its tendril's end. With this it can cling on to brick walls and stone. The stem of this plant has a pith which is cross-shaped, and hence the name.
Flowers and Fruits
The flowers of the Cross Vine are very attractive and come in two tone shades of bright yellow and red colors. They are tubular and shaped like a trumpet, about 2 inches in length and about an inch across. They appear two to five in a cluster, and have five petals each. The flowers have long tendrils, joining them to the vine, and they appear usually in the later part of winter and earlier stage of spring. Their main blooming time is in the months of March, April and May. The fruits which form from the flowers have a pod shape and hang like pendants. They are usually about 5 to 9 inches in length and brown in color.
These vines are evergreen, and with their showy flowers are excellent for any garden. People usually like to make a screen with this plant by letting it climb over a trellis. Some people prefer it to climb on to a tree, giving the tree some lively colors with its flower clusters hanging from the tree's branches. This flower is also the favourite of the humming bird, who feeds on its pollen and nectar.
Cross Vine can be propagated by seeds, root cuttings and stem cuttings. The seeds need to be collected as they become a lighter shade of brown and are starting to dry. They should be stored in a refrigerator, in a sealed container, and will keep for a year. The plant can grow in both moist and dry soils, and need only low to medium watering. The soil can be loamy, sandy or clay, but has to be well drained. The plant will tolerate only a limited time of flooding. The plant thrives when it is exposed to full sunlight, and will do reasonably well in partial shade.
Flowers Birds Love & Berries With High Antioxidant Levels For Healthy Lifestyle
Make us your #1 choice for your landscaping needs! We have a large assortment of
Perennials, ferns, and vines!
The Blue Flag Iris
A bright and colorful wildflower and its incredible 6 years that it blooms!
The charming
Copper Iris with impeccable sword blooms, but still manages to attract delicate butterflies and hummingbirds!
The Narrow leaf Glade Fern
That is so beautiful and green.
The Red Cardinal flat perennial herb also great for flying hummingbirds!
You will love the Dutchman’s pipe as it grows right before your eyes with its heart shaped leaves. It can be used to cover a wall or climb an ivory trellis.
We have an outstanding selection of suitable, edible, and very tasty Berry Trees that
Are sure to please many a sweet tooth! There is the Fuzzy Red Raspberry, the soft Boysenberry,
Irresistible Dewberry for that irritable stomach,
Huckelberry that supplies you with this tasty treat for 4 years, and the
Dwarf Rabbit Blue Berry, which gives you that enchanting pie with its production of seven to twelve, pounds in berries a year for 5 years!
There are so many products that the list go on and on, if you want to see more, come a tour!
The TN Nursery and Wetlands! Sure to satisfy!
Labels: buy berry plants online , herbaceous plants , nursery trees , shrubs , wholesale berry pants
Big Leaf Periwinkle – A Tough Ornamental & A Great Groundcover
The beauty of planting groundcovers for most people is they require very little care. In fact, they are so dominant they will often crowd out other plants. This is especially true of Big Leaf Periwinkle, which can be bought wholesale at many plant nurseries. Groundcovers by their very nature often receive a negative reaction, especially from the inexperienced gardener.
It is true that some groundcovers tend to be aggressive in their growth and can easily get out of control. However, choosing the right groundcover from a plant nursery and getting good advice, can help to beautify your space in ways you never even imagined. A few good reasons why the Big Leaf Periwinkle may be a good choice for your garden include:
• They can be used to separate sections of the garden, and create barriers helping guests to know where to walk. They can also be grown along the edges for an interesting look.
• The Big Leaf Periwinkle, like so many other types of groundcover can grow in difficult areas that you have not had much success with in the past.
• It has enormous aesthetic appeal thanks to the flowers which are usually violet to blue, although sometimes they are white.
Choosing the Right Amount of Plants
When buying Big Leaf Periwinkle from the plant nursery, the amount will depend on the amount of space available and the spacing you will use. Typically the plants are spaced 10 – 12 inches apart, so the best suggestion is to use 100 plants for a space of 100 sq ft. This figure should be doubled for a space of 200 sq ft and so on.
Like so many other types of groundcover, the Big Leaf Periwinkle will thrive with little care. Often sloping areas of the landscape may seem unattractive, and it is difficult to maintain plants in these areas. This is one of the advantages of this tough ornamental. Not only will it make the spot much more attractive, it will do this with a minimum of fuss.
This plant has been used as an ornamental since the 1700s. Once it takes hold in your garden it will be easy to see why. Remember that although the Big Leaf Periwinkle does not require much care, it is still important to prepare the soil before planting. This includes checking for diseases, and weeding the area properly. You can easily get tips for preparation from your plant nursery, as well as ways to manage the growth of your Big Leaf Periwinkle.
The American Holly Tree-A Christmas Favorite with Delicate Red Berries
American Holly Ilex Opaca 4-5 foot Balled and Burlapped is a native plant of North America. This is beautiful evergreen tree with a symmetrical dense and wide pyramidal form, which will make any yard or plot of land look good. The leaves are dark green and prickly, along with bright red berries are a traditional sign of Christmas. This tree grows up to three to four feet per year under intensive culture, and up to 15 to 30 ft under sandy coastal forests. It is generally available in many areas within its hardiness range; you may also find it in any nursery.
Plant American Holly Ilex Opaca on fertile, highly organic, well-drained but moist and slightly acid soil, having pH value below 6.5.,These trees are often deep rooted, have waxy or thick leaves that conserve water, or leaf structure that minimizes transpiration. It will tolerate wet feet, but well-drained soil is best. One of the great things about this tree is using it for xeriphytic landscaping purpose.
Dioeciousness, the feature of this tree, means male and female flowers do not grow on the same plant. Both the male and the female flowers look similar, with four to six petals. The ratio of male to female flower growth is 1.03 to 1.00, but this happens after 9 years of the life of the tree. The flowers start blooming on any American Holly Opaca when it reaches the age of 3 years. This rapid generation of flowers continues until it reaches the age of 9 years.
April is the month when flowering begins in the American Holly Opaca trees that grow in the southern areas. In northern regions, the flowering period starts in the month of June. This dioecious tree disperses its pollens with the help of insects like yellow jackets, night fly moths, wasps, ants and bees. Staminate is the name of the male flower and the female is called the pistillate. Plant the male flower bearing plants near the plants that bear fruits or berries. Unlike other berries, berries of American Holly Opaca have four seeds,.which start to ripe in the month of September and continue till December. The tree has a cover of these red berries all through the winter, but the birds eat some berries. The fruit is fat and juicy. The size of the fruit varies from 6 to 12 mm in diameter. If the fruit stays on the tree for a longer duration, the color may change from red to orange or yellow.
The seeds of the fruit have a ridged surface and feel rough, with structures like lines on them. The seeds normally take up to 3 years to germinate, but in the winter season the speed of germination increases. One should sow the seeds immediately after receiving, though the germination would start after passing through two or three spring seasons.
The seeds of American Holly Opaca cannot bear heavy rains, the rains reduces the speed of the dispersal of seeds. If the weather gets too cold, it can lead to the death of the flowers and any fruit crop. This tree needs care and protection against the harsh weather conditions.
Buy your american holly forn tn nursery.
Labels: nursery shrubs , nursery trees , online nursery , tree nursery
Wetland Supplies
We are state certified tree nursery specializing in native plants and trees, shrubs, fern, and perennials as well as pond plants and wetland mitigation species.